March 7th, 2014

So we’re at brunch the other day with our friends Nicole and Joe. A nice brunch. A hotel brunch. With Blueberry/maple sausage. Lobster pot pie. Semi non-swill champagne in the bottomless mimosas.

And Nicole says to the waiter: “My compliments to the chef on the Fruit Loops.”

2014-03-07T17:09:24-08:00March 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|

March 6, 2014

Contrary to reports, I am not dead. Although there is the occasional day when I wish I was. Good times.

But I’m back, and I’m gonna begin posting some shorter entries so at I can keep the new content flowing on a much more regular basis. So you’ll have no reason not to visit multiple times a week.

Think of it as Facebook, without the pictures of food and invitations to play Farmville.

2014-03-07T17:40:27-08:00March 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|

True Love Pees on Your Rose Bushes

A friend of mine, who we’ll call Storm (because who doesn‘t enjoy a good 80’s soap opera name) just posted on Facebook that he had received a nasty note from a friend of his. Among other things, this friend insulted the fact that Storm was single and had no significant other – only pets.

Storm replied to this “friend” that it was World Animal Day and he was very happy with his pets, thank you very much, because they give unconditional love – unlike humans.

Okay, let’s break this down.

1)      Airing dirty laundry on social media is roughly akin to hair pulling, and should generally not be attempted if you are past an age that requires the liberal application of Clearasil.

2)      Reading about a fortysomething man’s Mean Girls Moment is nearly as appealing as a testicular cancer slideshow.

3)      No one should be named Storm.  

Oh, I forgot, I made that part up.

It is unclear to me why people choose to reveal these sorts of things for the world to see. How does one even get a note like this at our age? And why would you want people to know that you had friends who would do such a thing?

Personally, I can’t remember the last time someone wrote me a truly nasty missive, but I think it involved swingset hogging and I think it was written in crayon.

But, dirty laundry aspect aside…I must admit that I totally agree with Storm.

Pets are clearly superior to humans. Pets love you without reservation. Pets think you’re dreamy, and a size 2, and intellectually superior to everyone you work with. Pets don’t judge you for eating the whole tub of Cherry Garcia, or for sleeping with that guy on the second date like a whore. Pets are, it seems, far more evolved than people.

I don’t know about you, but I would like to appear that evolved. Evidently, I’m not, since I spent the first half of this blog post judging someone. So it seems clear that I’m gonna need a little help in order to appear more enlightened.

Maybe I should start wearing a bedazzled flea collar with my name spelled out in rhinestones. (This would make me extra popular at the Folsom Street Fair.)

And eating out of a bowl that says Never Trust a Smiling Cat.

Maybe I should forget that you just went to take the trash out and greet you like you’ve been gone for months.

And pee on the brand new rug to emphasize my displeasure with being left alone for the evening.

Maybe then, people will begin commenting on my incredibly enlightened state.

“I wasn’t sure how evolved you were until you started drooling on the sofa and farting in front of strangers,” they’ll say. “Then I knew. You are so loving and accepting.”

Yeah, that feels about right. Throw in a name change to something like “Buster” or “Sparky” and I’ll be good to go.

Perhaps you’d like to join me in the quest for spiritual mastery. Care for a Snausage?

2013-10-08T17:15:13-07:00October 8th, 2013|Uncategorized|

My Little Brony

Sometimes, a TV show is so well-executed, and so relevant to contemporary life, that it strikes an almost universal chord within the culture.

Take My Little Pony.

Once a 1980’s cartoon that served as medication for 7-year-old girls, the show has been rebooted in the 21st century,
and found a new audience – 30-year-old dudes.

Called “Bronies”, these men spend their time creating fan fiction, video mashups and pony art – tributes to this show that speaks to the triumphs and tragedies of modern life. In a candy-colored fantasy world.

One twentysomething – who writes a Pony blog that could be mistaken for a fifth grade girl’s locker door – admits that it might seem a bit odd that grown, and shockingly, single men would develop a passion for purple and yellow ponies with names like Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. “I can’t believe I’m walking down the pink aisle at Toys R Us,” he commented.

I can understand his surprise, given that legally, he’s probably not allowed within 2000 feet of a schoolyard or toy store.

Yet, at the same time, isn’t it kind of great that these guys have found a creative outlet for emotions that might otherwise be expressed in ways that result in stints at Attica? Many of us have frustrations, repressed feelings and insecurities that we deal with in ways far less benign than proclaiming our love for Fluttershy, the female Pegasus.

As such, I’ve decided to embrace the Brony way of life. Of course, since I’m gay, the creative outlets will naturally take a slightly different course. I plan to begin creating Broadway fan fiction (superhero Stephen Sondheim swooping in to stop Andrew Lloyd Webber from doing another Phantom prequel), gay video mashups (Lady Gaga singing Nearer My God to Thee to the holy trinity, Judy/Barbra/Liza) and Prada art.

Wow, I’m already feeling more centered and whole. Thanks, my little bronies.

2013-09-01T10:11:28-07:00September 1st, 2013|Uncategorized|

Lose Weight the Lady Pee Way

How do you tell someone that drinking pee might not be the best diet plan?

A friend of mine takes what he refers to as “lady pee” to lose weight. He’s not actually drinking jars of urine stolen from a gynecologist’s office, but rather a secret and highly proprietary combination of female hormones that he just calls “lady pee”.

You’ll note that I said “he”. Yes, it’s a guy taking these hormones.

Now, a man taking female hormones to drop a few pounds is, as you might suspect, not a weight loss plan endorsed by all physicians. Or even some. I’m not sure where he gets this stuff, but I think it involves a Philippino website that sells fresh kidneys and blood pressure pills that cause you to wake up three days later in a Tijuana whorehouse.

But I have to say, it works. He’ll drop 17 pounds in 10 days. I’m not kidding.

The problem, of course, is that he has to stay on it or the weight comes right back. And staying on a diet of female hormones presents its own unique set of problems.

He recently began developing an impressive set of bazongas, for example. And frankly, this wasn’t helped by his tendency to favor snug-fitting polo shirts. I was unsure whether to refer him to the Spanx catalogue, or simply yell “Nice rack!” when he bounced by.

And then there’s the issue of his newly developed need to talk everything out. He used to be closed off and completely out of touch with his feelings. You know, a typical man. But suddenly, we’re on the phone for hours as he dissects what someone at work meant when they yelled, “Nice rack!”

And I could be wrong, but I think I saw a string hanging out the zipper of his jeans the other day, and a blue box labeled “Stayfree” on the floor of his car.

On the plus side, he’s way better groomed than he used to be. I mean, his hair has never looked better, and he smells like a meadow.

He also no longer asks me to “pull his finger”. And he’s way less argumentative than he used to be.

Basically, thanks to some estrogen and progesterone, he’s just a better version of himself now.

I wonder where I can get my hands on some lady pee.

2013-08-05T17:30:48-07:00August 5th, 2013|Uncategorized|
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